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History & Notes: From the Wier Baker family.
Description: White kid slipper-style shoes with rounded toe, baby Louis heel; white silk rosette 2" in diameter on front of each slipper; one continuous piece 22 1/2 " long, 1/8 " wide elastic tie fastened to each side of the slipper.
Object Number: 1961.093.0002
Object: shoe
Category: Personal Gear
Circa: 1870
Materials: leather, textile, elastic
Description: White kid slipper-style shoes with rounded toe, baby Louis heel; white silk rosette 2" in diameter on front of each slipper; one continuous piece 22 1/2 " long, 1/8 " wide elastic tie fastened to each side of the slipper.
Object Number: 1961.093.0002
Object: shoe
Category: Personal Gear
Circa: 1870
Materials: leather, textile, elastic