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Child's Dress With Coat

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History & Notes: Belonged to Martha Pinkham Armstrong , the daughter of Eben Pinkham, an early Wells Fargo Company agent. Mrs. Armstrong was born in Boise on January 20, 1870. She lived in Boise except for short periods of time and died January 29, 1959.
Description: Blue merino wool dress and jacket. Dress bodice has a square neck, piping at the waist, cap sleeves, and opens down the back. The skirt is box pleated. The sleeves, bodice front, and border on the bottom of the skirt are hand embroidered in white. The jacket has raglan sleeves. It is embroidered in white down both sides of the front, around the bottom of the front and back and bottom of sleeves.
Object Number: 1969.003.0004
Object: dress
Category: Children's Garments
Circa: 1870
Materials: wool

Additional Images

Child's Dress With Coat: Front w/Coat
Child's Dress With Coat: Back w/Coat
Child's Dress With Coat: Side w/Coat
Child's Dress With Coat: Front
Child's Dress With Coat: Side
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